Mango Swiss Roll


Mango Swiss Roll

Mango Swiss Roll



  • 3 large eggs
  • 120 g caster sugar, plus 1 Tbsp
  • 70 g self-raising flour


  • 200 g double cream
  • 80 g Greek yoghurt
  • 50 g icing sugar, plus extra for dusting
  • 100 g ripe mango, sliced (5 mm)


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C and line a swiss roll tin (30 cm x 20 cm x 1 cm) with baking paper.
  2. Insert butterfly whisk. Place eggs and sugar in mixing bowl then whisk 6 min/speed 3.
  3. Place a small bowl on mixing bowl lid and weigh in flour. Remove then sieve flour into mixing bowl and mix 15 sec/speed 2.5Remove butterfly whis k. Transfer mixture to prepared tin, gently smoothing out into corners. Bake for 14-16 minutes (180°C) until well risen and just firm to the touch. Meanwhile, clean mixing bowl and butterfly whisk then scatter 1 Tbsp sugar over a piece of baking paper larger than the swiss roll tin.
  4. Once sponge is cooked, immediately tip out onto sugar coated baking paper. Carefully remove baking paper lining, then make an incision about 1 cm in from the short edge, being careful not to cut through the sponge - this makes it easier to roll up. Gently roll up sponge, with sugar coated paper inside. Cover with a damp tea towel then set aside to cool.


  1. Once sponge is cool, prepare filling. Insert butterfly whisk. Place cream, yoghurt and icing sugar in mixing bowl then whip until soft peaks form/speed 3, watching carefully to avoid over-whipping.
  2. Remove butterfly whisk then fold in sliced mango with spatula.
  3. Unroll cooled sponge, then spread filling evenly over surface, leaving a 1 cm border around the edge. Roll up, leaving behind the baking paper, then transfer to a serving plate. Dust with icing sugar and serve.

Useful Items

swiss roll tin (30 cm x 20 cm x 1 cm), baking paper, fine sieve, tea towel, serving plate, oven

Hints & Tips

    • A cream only filling can also be used. Omit the yoghurt and add an extra 80 g cream.
    • Use other fruits in the filling depending on what you have available. Try 100 g strawberries or raspberries, or seeds and pulp from 3 large passion fruits.
  • The classic swiss roll sponge contains just three ingredients, making it lovely and light in texture. We’ve chosen a slightly more exotic filling than the standard jam, and the mango gives this cake a refreshing flavour.
